I just saw this male rhinoplasty patient in the office earlier this morning and thought it was a good opportunity to post a blog about long-term rhinoplasty results. Many patients and plastic surgeons are under the mistaken impression that the nose heals from rhinoplasty within 3-6 months of the surgery. The reality is that rhinoplasty results can take at least a year if not longer for the entire healing process to take place. That is precisely why I see my rhinoplasty patients for a long time before discharging them from my clinic. The attached photos show 3 year results of one of my rhinoplasty patients who had what I described to him as a ‘finesse’ nose reshaping procedure. As you can see from the photos, he has a very nice sustained cosmetic improvement in his nasal appearance. He was most unhappy with a poorly defined nasal tip and the asymmetries along his bridge. We performed a finesse rhinoplasty to reshape his nose. As you can appreciate, he now has a smoother looking bridge with more tip definition. In fact, look closely at his nasal tip on side and front view. Note how the tip is clearly more defined and sharper, but does not appear surgically altered. We were able to accomplish these esthetic changes while also maintaing a nice masculine looking nose. And these results are 3 years out showing how rhinoplasty, when done well, can produce a highly successful outcome.
Rhinoplasty Results
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San Diego, CA 92121
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Email: consultant@drhilinski.com