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Wanted to post a quick blog entry on cosmetic reshaping of the crooked ethnic nose. Correcting a crooked nose deformity is arguably one of the most difficult and challenging types of cosmetic rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping, procedures. This young rhinoplasty patient from San Diego presented to my office with a notable crooked nose. As you can see, her nose alignment is shifted to her right side. Like her, most rhinoplasty patients are bothered by the fact that the crooked nose draws unwanted attention to the mid portion of the face and can be quite distracting. Her goal was simply to have a nose that was in proper alignment with her other facial features and one that was smaller. We performed an open cosmetic septorhinoplasty to reshape her nose. This included reshaping her nasal bridge and repositioning her nasal bones. I also performed some tip work to reduce the overall size of her tip and bring it to a more midline position. As you can see from her before and after rhinoplasty photos, she has a nice improvement with better alignment of her nose. The nose also looks smaller, yet not too small for her face. She also has improved tip position and shape. Overall, she now has a much softer, more feminine look that is appropriate for her face.

Before and After Rhinoplasty

Posted on behalf of John Hilinski, M.D.

11199 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92121

Phone: Call Us 619-296-3223

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11199 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92121

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Monday–Thursday: 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday: 9:00AM–3:00PM

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