This revision rhinoplasty patient was recently in the office for a follow-up evaluation and was a great example of how to create a more pleasing, feminine profile view. She had surgery by a plastic surgeon in the Beverly Hills area and was unsatisfied with her original outcome. She then sought consultation with our office for a formal revision rhinoplasty. She was mostly displeased with her profile view, especially the tip to bridge transition. In addition, she was unhappy with the height of upper bridge near the eyes. On examination you can see that her tip looked somewhat ptotic, or droopy in comparison with her bridge height and position. Her upper bridge was also just slightly high for her face. We performed an open revision rhinoplasty with bilateral ear cartilage grafting to reconstruct her nose. As can been seen in her before and after photos below, she now has a much more pleasing profile view with improved transition from her tip to the bridge.
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11199 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: Call Us 619-296-3223