I was just speaking with one of my plastic surgery colleagues here in San Diego about recent inquiries regarding patients with excessively long foreheads. Believe it or not this is a relatively common complaint among patients, particularly females. Usually patients note that their hairline starts much higher up than normal. This gives the appearance the forehead is much longer in an up and down direction. The only real treatment for this particular problem is to shorten the forehead. The following is a quick summary description of this procedure. The technique for lowering the hairline essentially involves a reverse brow lift type of procedure. An incision is typically made along the front of the hairline, which tends to heal very nicely with little visible scarring if done carefully. The hair-bearing portion of your scalp is then mobilized and brought forward. The excess forehead skin is trimmed away and the hairline is placed down in its new lower position. Effectively the forehead is shortened and the hairline is brought down very naturally. Contact my office and let me know if you have any specific questions regarding a possible reverse brow lift, or hair line lowering procedure. Sincerely, Dr. Hilinski
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11199 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92121
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Email: consultant@drhilinski.com