This very pleasant lady demonstrates you are never too old to have cosmetic face surgery. She was bothered by her upper eyelids and how the excess skin contributed to a tired look for her eyes. In addition, she wanted the skin under her eyes to look smoother and more youthful.
She consulted with San Diego’s leading expert in facial rejuvenation – Dr. John Hilinski – who advised her to undergo an upper eyelid lift combined with a lower eyelid laser peel. She proceeded to have this done under just local anesthesia – meaning, she did not have to go to sleep under general anesthesia. The operation took about 90 minutes to complete – and she was at home 15 minutes later!
Dr. Hilinski used her natural eyelid crease (which was hidden by the excess upper eyelid skin) to make the incision. The redundant skin was then removed. But efforts were made to try and keep her from looking ‘surgical’ or ‘done’ – as is so often the case in the world of plastic surgery. The lower eyelids were treated with a high-powered CO2 laser to try and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and coarse lines.
Before and After Eyelid Tuck & Laser Peel
Here are some early results from the surgery – showing a beautiful cosmetic eyelid result. Her upper eyelids are now more youthful looking because the excess skin has been removed. And her lower eyelids are smoother with less wrinkling. Yet, she still looks like herself – just a younger version!
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San Diego, CA 92121
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