Did you know that Dr. Hilinski is one of the nation’s leading experts when it comes to fixing protruding ears? In fact, Dr. Hilinski is actually considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on cosmetic ear reshaping – having earned an international reputation with patients coming from all over the globe to get their new ears!
Otoplasty, or ear pinning, for prominent, protruding ears is among the most common surgeries he performs. There are so many patients out there with concerns regarding how their ears look – way more than you would imagine. These patients will often present with longer hair to help hide their ears because they stick out too far.
Fortunately, Dr. Hilinski is here to help with vast experience in correcting protruding ears. If you research otoplasty surgeons in San Diego – and we mean really research them, which includes looking at their gallery of patient examples – you will quickly realize that Dr. Hilinski arguably does more of this surgery than any other plastic surgeon in town. What this means in the world of plastic surgery is that he has more patients seeking him out to fix their prominent ears than other board plastic surgeons. More photo examples of ear pinning equals higher volumes performed – it’s pretty simple.
When having cosmetic ear pinning surgery, it is important to really understand the true goal of the surgery. It really isn’t about creating a ‘pretty ear’ or an ‘attractive ear’ in the end. It is more about taking unwanted attention away from the ears. The end goal is to make the ears as least visible (or distracting) as possible. In other words, the aim is to make the ears simply look natural on the side of the head.
Here is an amazing case example of a patient who sought out Dr. Hilinski to have her ears pinned back. As you can see in the before photo, her ears, indeed, were quite prominent. Her left ear stuck out further than her right – but both ears were angled outward excessively. This made her a fantastic candidate for otoplasty ear pinning surgery.
Dr. Hilinski ultimately performed his personalized surgical technique on her – which includes his individualized method of overlapping the ear cartilage to achieve beautiful results that last a lifetime. No longer does he routinely suture the ear back to the surface of the scalp like so many other plastic surgeons do still. Instead, he meticulously reshapes and repositions the prominent ear cartilage to recreate the proper angles needed to make the ears look more vertically oriented as seen from the frontal view. As you can see here in this true life example, otoplasty can have a significant impact on one’s appearance when done properly by a true cosmetic ear expert like Dr. Hilinski.
When you see Dr. Hilinski’s results of ear pinning surgery, you really do have to ask yourself – why go anywhere else for your cosmetic ear surgery?
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11199 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: Call Us 619-296-3223
Email: consultant@drhilinski.com