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Zwivel’s Guide To Facelift Surgery Featuring Dr. Hilinski

Dr. John Hilinski is dedicated to helping patients reach their aesthetic goals. In addition to his surgical skill, Dr. Hilinski’s patients also benefit from his extensive knowledge and experience. He takes time to advise potential patients of their options, explain the benefits of each procedure, and develop a personalized treatment plan. Dr. Hilinski was recently… Continue reading about Zwivel’s Guide To Facelift Surgery Featuring Dr. Hilinski

What Are the Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Designed to rejuvenate the surface of the skin, laser skin resurfacing treatments use a distinctly different tactic than facelift procedures. While a facelift is best used to minimize the appearance of deep facial creases and folds, laser skin resurfacing can better address fine facial wrinkles. Since laser skin resurfacing is a non-surgical procedure, the recovery… Continue reading about What Are the Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

How Long Should Swelling and Numbness Last After a Facelift?

Since the facelift procedure is customized to address each patient’s unique needs, the recovery will vary depending upon the techniques used by the surgeon. Mild swelling and bruising should be expected after surgery, and isolated areas of facial numbness are not uncommon. However, most patients report discomfort instead of pain after the facelift procedure, which… Continue reading about How Long Should Swelling and Numbness Last After a Facelift?

Facelift Necklift Rejuvenation

Despite all the latest fillers and laser devices being advertised out there in 2016, there is no substitute for a beautifully performed lower face and upper neck lift. This patient here exemplifies what this type of facial surgery can do to help reverse the signs of aging while providing a much more rejuvenated facial appearance.… Continue reading about Facelift Necklift Rejuvenation

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San Diego, CA 92121

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Monday–Thursday: 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday: 9:00AM–3:00PM

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