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Reduced Pain with Vibrata

What can help with pain when getting Botox injections? One measure that San Diego expert injector, Dr. John Hilinski, uses to reduce pain associated with Botox and Dysport treatment is the vibrata device shown here. This is essentially a small vibrating tool that can be placed on the face during placement of the Botox or… Continue reading about Reduced Pain with Vibrata

Lip Lift Cupid’s Bow

We wanted to update you San Diego upper lip lift fans by showing this patient who recently came in for her follow-up visit with Dr. Hilinski. She sought out an expert to help her shorten an elongated upper lip while also giving her better pink lip contour and shape. Like so many other patients, she… Continue reading about Lip Lift Cupid’s Bow

Baby Botox?

So what is this new talk about ‘Baby Botox’? Fortunately, it has nothing to do with injecting Botox into babies! Baby Botox is a new term that has been recently used to describe a technique for Botox and Dysport injections. This technique, however, is not really new. Dr. Hilinski and other Botox experts have been… Continue reading about Baby Botox?

Bellafill Leading Expert

Did you know that Dr. Hilinski is one of San Diego’s and Orange County’s leading experts when it comes to Bellafill use? Although there are many different cosmetic physicians in San Diego offering Bellafill injection, Dr. Hilinski is one of only a handful of doctors in San Diego who has been using Bellafill from the… Continue reading about Bellafill Leading Expert

Over 200 Rhinoplasty Examples

Our ever-growing rhinoplasty photo gallery now has over 200 individual patient examples in just the primary rhinoplasty category alone! And that doesn’t even touch on the growing revision rhinoplasty gallery. Within each patient example there are typically multiple views shown of each nose. What this tells you is that Dr. Hilinski is a true leader… Continue reading about Over 200 Rhinoplasty Examples

Make Money Getting Botox!

Make money getting Botox and Dysport! OK, maybe it’s not cash money. But it is credit and loyalty points that can be used like money towards future Botox and Dysport treatments. We have just updated our San Diego website to make it that much easier to earn credit with Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions and Galderma’s Aspire… Continue reading about Make Money Getting Botox!

Non-Surgical Eyelid Lift

One of the hottest and most popular non-surgical treatments being done in our San Diego office nowadays is an eyelid lift, or eyelid rejuvenation. These widely popular treatments involve use of various injectable fillers to enhance the lower eyelid region in an effort to create a more rested, rejuvenated eyelid appearance. So what fillers can… Continue reading about Non-Surgical Eyelid Lift

Botox Getting Even More Popular

Popularity of Botox Yesterday we posted on how popular rhinoplasty had become in 2017. But, according to a recent NewBeauty publication, the most requested procedure overall in cosmetic offices is still Botox and Dysport injection. Botox Use Going Up Since 2012, both Botox and Dysport treatments have gone up nearly 33%. That is a huge… Continue reading about Botox Getting Even More Popular

Rhinoplasty Still Reigns

According to NewBeauty, the most popular facial plastic surgery requested in 2017 was rhinoplasty. This is not surprising, given how many patients seek out Dr. Hilinski here in San Diego for nose job surgery. What was a bit surprising was that nearly 97% of plastic surgeons reported that they perform rhinoplasty surgery on a consistent… Continue reading about Rhinoplasty Still Reigns

Improving Response to Botox

Patients often ask if there is something they can do to make their Botox or Dysport injection work better. The answer is – yes! We do have some published guidelines on our website that help patients get the most out of their Botox and Dysport wrinkle treatments. Here is a link to those guidelines. Here… Continue reading about Improving Response to Botox

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San Diego, CA 92121

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Monday–Thursday: 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday: 9:00AM–3:00PM

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