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Lose Your Flank Fat

Want to get rid of your flank fat? Unwanted flank fat is one of the most common reasons why people seek out Coolsculpting treatment. This middle-aged female from San Diego consulted with us to try and reduce the excess flank fat that she had despite a good exercise regimen and healthy diet. Results here are… Continue reading about Lose Your Flank Fat

Repeat Treatment of an Area

As part of our ongoing effort to keep our patients fully informed, Dr. Hilinski wanted to post a quick entry regarding what some patients experience during their repeat Coolsculpting sessions. A repeat session refers to an area that has already undergone Coolsculpting and is about to undergo a second or third treatment. Although most patients… Continue reading about Repeat Treatment of an Area

Mixing Botox and Dysport

We have had many patients in the past ask whether or not you can mix Botox with Dysport for wrinkle reduction. The answer is – yes! There is no scientific and/or medical evidence that suggests there would be any problem with mixing these two neurotoxins together. Both Botox and Dysport work in a similar manner… Continue reading about Mixing Botox and Dysport

Shrink the Size of Your Ear?

Can Dr. Hilinski actually make my ears shrink down in size? Yep! Take a look here at the most recent addition to his gallery of otoplasty surgery – which is more of a variant called macrotia, or scapha reduction surgery. This is a great example of how a highly trained otoplasty surgeon can take your… Continue reading about Shrink the Size of Your Ear?

Latest in Body Contouring

What is the latest technique when it comes to body contouring? It’s Coolsculpting by Zeltiq! Coolsculpting is a non-surgical, non-invasive method to reduce unwanted body fat by freezing it away. What happens to the fat once it is frozen? It is gone forever. What many patients don’t know about body contouring and fat reduction is… Continue reading about Latest in Body Contouring

Brotox for Men

Here is an example of what Botox or Dysport can do in the average male patient – often times referred to as Brotox. This male patient disliked the wrinkle formation around the eyes (the crow’s feet area) and in between the eyebrows (the glabella region or frown lines). Dr. Hilinski injected Dysport into both of… Continue reading about Brotox for Men

Latest Rhinoplasty Case Example

Visit to see the latest case example published online by San Diego’s foremost expert in rhinoplasty surgery – Dr. John Hilinski. Our sister site was created with the intention of providing any patient considering cosmetic nose surgery an online resource to learn more in-depth about this amazingly complex surgical procedure. This latest case example… Continue reading about Latest Rhinoplasty Case Example

Icing On The Cake

San Diego’s #1 Coolsculpting team suggests patients think about Coolsculpting more as ‘icing on the cake’ when it comes to their overall weight loss plan. The best patients for Coolsculpting are those that have already dedicated themselves to a thoughtful weight loss program, which includes regular exercise and a healthy diet. As you begin to… Continue reading about Icing On The Cake

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11199 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92121

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Monday–Thursday: 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday: 9:00AM–3:00PM

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